

When is it enough? Popeye (cartoon character) seemed to know. “I have had enough and enough is too much.” Or “I have had all I can stand, I can stands no more…”

We seem to evaluate that equation more often than not. Is this enough…exercise, food, sleep, money, room, color, clothes, (just try to keep it in the smaller suitcase). I think you get the idea.

But, do you know we do this with the Lord as well? I don’t think the Lord wants all my time, or money or child(ren). We come to a cross road and say I’ve had enough church. Or reading the Bible, I’ve read or heard that before. How about worship…I’ve had enough.

After almost 40 years (I’ve been thinking about this), how much is enough? Do you know, I can honestly say He is enough for me. The Bible says: “so then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” The secret to Popeye’s success, “I am strong to the finich…” is Spinach! For us, it is the Word of God. 1). It has to be planted. 2.) it has to be watered. 3.) It has to increase.

God expects growth or increase. The planting takes place in our hearts by hearing the word. The watering take place through prayer, worship, giving, doing for Him and with Him. The increase comes alone from the Lord. We increase in faith, wisdom, understanding, and patience. That is why I can read or hear a passage or sermon, and say I never saw that before and have it give me exactly what I needed. It was enough? No, more than enough.

Where does the planting and watering take place…? in church, in marriage, parenting, social relationships, family life, and work. It is a promise of God to “increase” you.
Remember, God’s measuring tape is from the east to the west. You too, will be strong to the finish!

Hey, I’ll see you in Church,

Pastor Greg


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