Never Confused…

Never Confused…

There are many aspects of God’s rule that are tried and tested by Himself and His people. You do not even have to pray for, or about them.

The rule, principle, or law I am thinking about is “sowing and reaping” or “planting and harvesting”. The rule is as tried and true as addition and multiplication are. (2 + 2 = 4 or 7 x 7 = 49) So, when you look at your giving to the Lord’s work, do not think your subtracting from your wealth. Think of adding to it, or better yet, multiplying it. Your “seed” is going to increase. Always, no matter what. It’s a law God has set in motion as far back as Genesis. Many of you are under financial pressures that require more money than you presently have at your disposal, so you withhold from being generous and soon discover your “harvest” is small, or worse, do not even recognize it. The law states, if you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. If you sow generously, you will reap or harvest generously. They are never confused! You do not have to wonder if you plant sparingly, you’ll harvest generously. Or wonder if someone else got your harvest. Never! Your sowing and reaping harvests only to your address.

Proverbs 11:24-25 New King James Version (NKJV)
24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
25 The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.

Notice this passage. It doesn’t say one doesn’t give; it says one withholds more than it is right. It leads to not having enough to make ends meet and have enough to give. It says the generous soul will be made rich.

Giving to the Lord should be met with excitement, joy and exuberant expectation. Often, it is the quietest somber moment in church. I asked the Lord as to why we lack what is forecast in scripture as cheerful and joyous. He replied most of you give enough just to irritate yourself. It is under compulsion and given grudgingly. In truth, that will be what we will harvest.

At PFC we are not strangers to tithes/gifts and offerings. There is not a grant or corporate underwriting of our expenses. We pattern life biblically. Why? It is the best way for God to finance both you and His church.

I just received the report from Pastor Chris of Agape Gospel Mission, Warri, Nigeria. We planted or sowed $1,800 last November. Over 200 people gave their lives to Christ and 300 were treated medically. There is extreme joy in heaven over those new Christian lives but that should cause us to be amazingly joyful and cheerful at the next opportunity.

When you sow or plant your money in PFC, you are guaranteed a harvest. Our platform gives opportunity to touch people in a very special, eternal way.

How is your harvest? Do you recognize it? Are you generous according to Jesus’s label on it? He is the only one able to say generous! He knows what’s left after you have given.

Ready for harvest!

See you in Church,
Pastor Greg



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