Soon, but not yet……..

Soon, but not yet……..

This is the crucible where the character trait called patience is forged. The Bible is full of promises that operate with patience as the secret to obtaining. For example, Hebrews 6:12 …”but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Not only do I have to believe that God will…I have to wait! That is when the pressure of circumstances can press you into settling for second best instead of God’s best: a promise fulfilled.

If I pause long enough to think the process through, I am realizing my struggle with the patient part of walking with God is I am not in control. I want to control the outcomes, situations, responses ad infinitum! I’d like spring to blossom sooner than it will. I want to open the presents before Christmas. I want the weight to drop before I exercise.  I want to taste the meal before it is done. For sure “I” am at the center of this world. This is part of the reason God has us wait. It isn’t some kind of cruel joke, but rather the care of a loving Father working behind the scenes of my much pressured life producing the outcome I’d much rather enjoy than the temporary fix I have been known to produce!

Patience is easier when I trust Him enough not to take matters into my own hands. We are more at rest and peace when we recognize the things we can control and leave the things we cannot control in the hands of the One who can make all things beautiful in His time. Amen!

Speak of waiting…the long delayed Chili cook off is next Sunday following the service. The chili is great and so is the fellowship. Make plans to stay a little longer. It will be worth the wait.

Please keep your contact info and praise reports coming. If these e-letters encourage you, don’t hesitate to forward them.

Pastor Greg

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